


Welcome to The2Game(Old TheGame Style)

New Client Update

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 Server Open 25.12.2024

 20.00 gmt+2

*DDos:Protection Premium

* Ver: 97j
* Exp: 80
* Drop: 80%
* Max level: 350

*Excellent Drop Rate : 1/80

* Points Per level: BK/SM/ELF - 5 MG - 7

*MaxResets: 15Wk +1

*Zen Resets: 10.000.000 zen

*Max Stats for SM,ELF,BK = 7095 (+20 with quest at 15)

* Max Stats for MG : 8142

* Clear Skills on Resets: YES

* Clear Points on Resets: YES

* Clear on Sets: YES

* Reset in Game Command On : No!(Just Websit )

* Clear Inventory And Chacter Items : YES!!

* Pk Clear : 10.000.000 zen x KILL


Ingame Commands
* /add - add stats: /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene
* /post - global chat

* /marry - Yes
*/quest - Yes (Check Quest progress)
* /online Yes (Check online ppl)
* /time Tak/Yes (Show server time)

Chaos Machine Success Rates:

Jewel of Soul : 70% / +Luck : 75%

Jewel of Life : 75%

Items +10 : 70%

Items +11 : 60%

2nd level Wings Success rate : 80%

Server Event:

* Golden Invasions every hours

* Blood Castle Event

* Devil Square Event

* Happy Hour x100

* Party exp event

* Quest System
Aida  Entrances Icarus 14.12 and Lorencia 46.168

DareDevil:  Entrance: Tarkan 177 36

Crystal Quest  Entrance Dungeon3 29 127

Exile  Entrances  Lorencia 235.237  and Stadium 10 95

Old Kalima Entrance Atlans 10.10

Chaos castle Entrance Stadium 10 115

Quest room Entrances Lorencia 10.8 Lorencia 141.124 Davias 110.130  or command /move quest